Jazykový turbo boost


Sme tu pre všetkých cestovateľov a dobrodruhov! Chystáte sa na dovolenku a neviete, ako sa tam dorozumieťe? Nevadí, my vám pomôžeme! Naša jazyková škola prináša rýchlo kurz angličtiny, arabčiny, ruštiny a taliančiny, kde sa naučíte užitočné frázy na cesty, aby ste sa v zahraničí necítili ako ryba na suchu. Po absolvovaní jazykového kurzu budete pripravení na cestu do sveta a užijete si ju plnými dúškami! ,

Okruhy tém: Letisko, ubytovanie, jedlo, reštaurácia, výlety, nakupovanie, ako sa dostanem do, stratil som, hľadám, zoznamovanie sa, u lekára a všetko, čo je potrebné riešiť na dovolenke.

Kedy: Cez týždeň aj cez víkend - sobota alebo nedeľa, podľa záujmu.
Cez víkend: sobota - 10.00 - 18.00 (orientačne)
Cez víkend: sobota aj nedeľa - 10.00 - 14.00 (orientačne)
Cez týždeň: dooobedu, poobede, večer. Každý deň dve hodiny

Cena / skupinový kurz: 79 eur / osoba / skupina minimálne 6 študentov / 8 hodín.
V pripade, že je skupina menšia kurzovné sa rozdelí medzi záujemcov.

Cena / individuálny kurz: Letná cena individuálneho kurzu je 159 eur / 8 hodín.

Prihláška a uhradené kurzovné týždeň pre daným termínom kurzu.

Kurzy otvárame každý týždeň, podľa záujmu.

Orientačné osnovy

1 Hodina / Hour 1: Úvod a zoznamovanie sa / Introductions and Basic Phrases.

  • Greetings and Introductions
    • Hi, Hello, Good morning/afternoon/evening.
    • My name is…
    • Nice to meet you.
  • Basic Politeness
    • Please, thank you, you’re welcome, excuse me, sorry.
  • Practice: Role-play introducing yourself to a fellow traveler.

2 Hodina / Hour 2: Letisko a slovná zásoba / Airport and Flight Vocabulary.

  • At the Airport
    • Vocabulary: Check-in, boarding pass, gate, departure, arrival, security check.
    • Phrases: Where is the check-in counter? I need to check my luggage. Can I see your passport?
  • On the Plane
    • Vocabulary: Seat, aisle, window, overhead bin, seatbelt.
    • Phrases: Where is my seat? Can I have a blanket, please?
  • Practice: Role-play checking in and boarding a flight.

3 Hodina  / Hour 3: Ubytovanie a hotel / Accommodation and Hotel Check-In.

  • Booking and Check-In
    • Vocabulary: Reservation, single/double room, check-in, check-out, key card.
    • Phrases: I have a reservation. Can I have a room with a view? How do I get to my room?
  • Amenities and Services
    • Vocabulary: Wi-Fi, breakfast, room service, concierge, luggage.
    • Phrases: Is breakfast included? Can I get a wake-up call?
  • Practice: Simulate a hotel check-in and requesting amenities.4

4 Hodina / Hour 4: Navigácia a doprava/ Getting Around: Directions and Transportation.

  • Asking for Directions
    • Vocabulary: Street, avenue, block, corner, left, right, straight, near, far.
    • Phrases: How do I get to…? Is it near here? Can you show me on the map?
  • Public Transportation
    • Vocabulary: Bus, train, subway, ticket, station, platform.
    • Phrases: Where is the bus stop? How much is a ticket to…?
  • Practice: Role-play asking for directions and buying a ticket.

5 Hodina / Hour 5: Reštaurácia, Stravovanie / Dining Out.

  • At the Restaurant
    • Vocabulary: Menu, appetizer, main course, dessert, beverage, bill.
    • Phrases: Can I see the menu? I would like to order… Can I have the bill, please?
  • Dietary Preferences and Allergies
    • Vocabulary: Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, allergic.
    • Phrases: I am allergic to… Do you have vegetarian options?
  • Practice: Simulate ordering at a restaurant and discussing dietary preferences.

6 hodina / Hour 6: Nakupovanie / Shopping and Souvenirs.

  • Shopping Vocabulary
    • Vocabulary: Price, size, color, fitting room, receipt.
    • Phrases: How much is this? Do you have this in a different size/color? Can I try this on?
  • Souvenirs and Bargaining
    • Vocabulary: Souvenir, gift, discount, sale.
    • Phrases: Can I get a discount? Is this on sale?
  • Practice: Role-play buying souvenirs and bargaining.

7 hodina / Hour 7: Pohotovosť a zdravie / Emergencies and Health Issues.

  • Emergencies
    • Vocabulary: Emergency, help, police, fire department, ambulance.
    • Phrases: I need help. Call the police. Where is the nearest hospital?
  • Health Issues
    • Vocabulary: Doctor, pharmacy, prescription, sick, headache.
    • Phrases: I need to see a doctor. Where is the nearest pharmacy? I have a headache.
  • Practice: Simulate asking for help in emergencies and health issues.

8 hodina / Hour 8: Opakovanie, precvičenie, otázky / Review and Practical Scenarios.

  • Review Key Vocabulary and Phrases
    • Recap vocabulary and phrases from each section.
  • Practical Role-plays
    • Create scenarios combining different topics (e.g., arriving at the airport, checking in at a hotel, dining out).

Prihláška na kurz.